August 13, 2024 By Matthew Rathbone

SQL query templates are pre-defined SQL statements where certain parts of the query can be parameterized. This allows you to reuse the same SQL structure across multiple queries, simply by substituting the parameters.

Creating a Basic SQL Query Template

Let’s start with a simple example using a SELECT statement.

FROM employees
WHERE department = '{department}';

In this template, {department} is a placeholder that you can replace with any department name.

Using SQL Query Templates in Practice

Basic Example

Assume you need to get a list of all employees from the “Engineering” department. You can use the following query:

FROM employees
WHERE department = 'Engineering';

Expected Output:

id name department role
1 Alice Smith Engineering Developer
2 Bob Brown Engineering DevOps

Filtering with Multiple Conditions

Templates can also accommodate more complex queries. For instance, suppose you need to filter employees by department and role.


FROM employees
WHERE department = '{department}' AND role = '{role}';

Using this template, you can generate a query to find all “Engineering” employees who are “Developers”:

FROM employees
WHERE department = 'Engineering' AND role = 'Developer';

Expected Output:

id name department role
1 Alice Smith Engineering Developer

Automating Query Templates with SQL Variables

Most SQL engines, such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL Server, support the use of variables to make template usage even more dynamic.

Using Variables in MySQL

In MySQL, you can define variables and use them in your query templates.

SET @department = 'Engineering';
SET @role = 'Developer';

FROM employees
WHERE department = @department AND role = @role;

Expected Output:

id name department role
1 Alice Smith Engineering Developer

Using CTEs with Templates in PostgreSQL

In PostgreSQL, Common Table Expressions (CTEs) can be combined with templates for complex query generation.

WITH department_employees AS (
    SELECT *
    FROM employees
    WHERE department = '{department}'
FROM department_employees
WHERE role = '{role}';

SQL Query Templates in Application Code

SQL query templates are not limited to use with the database directly. They can be very useful when integrated into application code. For instance, in Python, you could implement a template like this:

query_template = """
FROM employees
WHERE department = '{department}' AND role = '{role}';

department = 'Sales'
role = 'Manager'

query = query_template.format(department=department, role=role)


FROM employees
WHERE department = 'Sales' AND role = 'Manager';

This approach allows you to build dynamic SQL queries directly in your application, making your code more flexible and easier to maintain.


SQL query templates are a versatile tool for any database-driven application. They enable you to reduce redundancy, enforce consistency, and make your SQL queries more maintainable. By leveraging templates, you can save time and reduce errors, particularly in complex queries or large applications.

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