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Beekeeper Studio ROI Calculator

Our users tell us they are 30% more productive when using Beekeeper Studio vs other tools.

Enter your details

Calculated Return on Investment

Yearly, across all {{users}} employees, you gain {{annualHoursSaved.toFixed(0)}} hours of productivity, worth {{format(valueOfTimeSaved)}}. Quite the bargin.

Monthly License Cost: {{licenseSummary}} ${{licenseCost}}
Monthly Hours Saved (per user) {{monthlyHoursSaved.toFixed(0)}} hours
Monthly Return on Investment ($) {{format(monthlyValueSaved)}}
Yearly DAYS Saved (per user) {{parseInt(annualHoursSaved / 24)}} days
Yearly Return on Investment ($) {{format(valueOfTimeSaved)}}
ROI Percentage {{(roi*100).toFixed(2)}}% return

Get Started With Beekeeper Studio

Best SQL query & editor tool I have ever used. It provides everything I need to manage my database. - ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Mit

Beekeeper Studio is fast, intuitive, and easy to use. Beekeeper supports loads of databases, and works great on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Beekeeper's Linux version is 100% full-featured, no cut corners, no feature compromises.